Get booked on podcasts and get heard by thousands of the RIGHT people

Take our 60 second quiz to see if podcast guesting is right for you

Let Your Expertise Shine As A Podcast Guest

We will book you on perfect fit shows as a guest so you can connect with your target audience. Without spending HOURS on social media.

Top-rated podcasts that have booked our clients

Boost Credibility

Get interviewed on podcasts and increase your credibility as the authority in your field. With every guest interview, it's easier to get your next interview on a podcast with a bigger audience.

Improve SEO

Google likes real links back to your site. Your interviews will typically reference your site, building your SEO.

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New Audiences

As an expert guest on a podcast, you'll reach a highly engaged and targeted audience, ranging from hundreds to thousands.

Build Your Network

Your network is your net worth! Conversations with the podcast host can lead to more connections, business referrals, friendships and sales. Building

Sales and Leads

Engaged podcast listeners will often visit the website of guests post-show, which can lead to list growth and sales!

Show & Shine

Let your expertise shine with minimal preparation. No expensive travel, printing expenses or ad campaigns. Show up for the virtual interview and share your message.


Done For You: Podcast Guest Booking

Podcast List Customized For You

Is Podcast Guesting Right For You?

Client and Podcast Host Testimonials


Business Strategist

I started working with Your Expert Guest to drive more ideal clients into my coaching and mastermind programs. In my most recent launch, several people I’d never met before showed up for a workshop. They said they were there because they heard me speaking on podcasts Your Expert Guest had booked me to appear on. That’s a direct cause and result. It was so exciting. The investment in Your Expert Guest paid for itself in the first 6 months, because my ideal clients are hearing me have a the right conversations on the right podcasts, and they decide to work with me because of it. Totally worth the investment and I get to meet the most amazing people.

Paul Zelizer

Host of Awarepreneurs

So many PR reps and booking agencies are transactional. I really respect how you and your team do business and I value our relationship.

Joe Casabana

Podcast Host, How I Built It

I almost never accept pitches, but yours was so good that I had to say yes.

Melissa Leon

Podcast host, Efficiency Bitch

I first said yes to Julie because I liked her email pitch. I get a lot of them, and hers stood out to me. I reached out and learned about her process. From there, I trusted her guests would be well-vetted and prepped for all interviews. It makes my life a lot easier

Robbie Samuels

Podcast Host - On The Schmooze

Default dI've been hosting a podcast for seven years. I have a "short" list of prospective guests that will take me through the next few years without any outside suggestions. Your Expert Guest helps me reach outside my existing network to meet interesting guest prospects


Business Integrator

Your Expert Guest was easy to work with and I received several podcast guest bookings!

Should podcast interviews be part of your marketing strategy?

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