How To Get Leads From Podcast Guest Interviews



You’ve probably heard that getting leads from podcast guest interviews is the latest marketing holy grail.

Maybe you’ve started doing guest interviews. You’ve had a great recording with the host. When the episode airs, you excitedly expect to see a flood of opt-ins and……..crickets.

There’s a number of reasons why podcast guesting doesn’t generate the leads or sales you are hoping for.

In this month’s newsletter, we talk about a number of the reasons why you aren’t getting leads from your podcast guest appearances and the changes you can make to your strategy to start filling your lead pipeline.

Let’s dig in!

1) You Are On The Wrong Podcasts

It’s hard for your ideal client to connect with you after your interview if they aren’t listening to the episode. If you are intentionally guesting before you contact the host, do a bit of research to see who the show is for. The podcast description is a great place to start, followed by a scan of previous episodes. You’ll find clues that tell you who listens.

My favorite strategy for finding great fit shows is to look at the industries of your top clients and be a guest on podcasts in that industry. For example, one of our agency clients is a sales coach with a number of clients in the professional organizer niche, so guesting on shows for professional organizers as it relates to building a business is a perfect fit for her.

2) The Conversation

If you are a reactionary guest (meaning you are only invited onto podcasts), you may have experienced this. The host invites you on and asks you random questions that may or may not tap into your zone of genius and the transformation you provide for your clients. By being a proactive podcast guest, you can suggest the topics you’d like to discuss, provide a few takeaways you’d like the listeners to have and even provide a few possible questions the host can ask.

Caveat, the host always gets to dictate the show format and flow, and some prefer a very conversational and organic conversation. However, even if that is the case; if you are clear on your topic and takeaways you can typically work those into the chat and provide a ton of value for the listener.

3) Interview Format

The podcasts that always ask the guests the same 5 questions and last 15-20 minutes aren’t generally going to lead to listeners clamoring to connect with you after the show.

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4) No Audience

It typically takes a bit of time for a podcast to develop an audience. Usually a podcast that has less than 20 episodes is building their listenership. When booking our clients on podcasts, we focus on podcasts with 30+ episodes.

5) Overlooking host relationship

This may be the most important component of the podcast guesting experience, so please please please take care of your relationship with the host. My clients and I have experienced the following from our host relationships:

  • Developed friendships
  • Provided trainings for the memberships
  • Received referrals to new clients
  • Met in real life at conferences
  • Collaborated on projects
  • They have been a guest on your podcast

If your business relies on referrals for podcast guesting, you definitely need a system for nurturing the host relationship.

6) Too many calls to action

Have you ever listened to a podcast and when the host asks, “where can listeners connect with you?” The guest goes on to list:

  • Their website
  • Their LinkedIn
  • Their Instagram
  • The freebie on their website (which is really long and unmemorable)
  • And their free Facebook group

You get the idea. A confused mind takes no action. Don’t do that.

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7) No call to action

We’ve all been there on this one. You have the perfect gift or free resource for the listeners and the host says those magic words, “Where can listeners find you?” AND YOU FORGOT TO MENTION IT?

Don’t beat yourself up. Just write it down on a sticky note and keep it on your monitor so you don’t forget on the next interview.

I’m a fan of a single call to action for listeners. A few of my favorites:

  • Listen to my podcast…….
  • Would love to connect on LinkedIn
  • Follow us on Instagram
  • Get our free……. To help you ……… at (easy to remember URL)


If podcast guesting isn’t converting to leads for you, consider reviewing this list to ensure the shows, your topics and calls to action are on point. If you are interested in a conversation on how we can get you booked on great fit shows to reach your target audience, feel free to book a quick call


My team and I love to book our clients on top ranked podcasts to grow their visibility as a podcast guest. We offer both done for your services as well as intensives to show you or a team member the strategies we use to book our clients on podcast.  You can learn more here:

1 thought on “How To Get Leads From Podcast Guest Interviews”

  1. Pingback: Listeners to Leads: Podcast Appearances for Business

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